Because Only Together We Can

TOTOL for Relief and Development

From the community With the community

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What We Do


Emergency and disaster preparedness and response:

TOTOL is on permanent standby to intervene in the event of crises triggered by natural hazards or human causes. We are responding rapidly and effectively by mobilizing all necessary resources. Not only our strong connections and relationships with local communities and local authorities enable us to respond and implement activities immediately, but also our anticipatory approach to identify potential emergencies in advance. The predominantly stable situation in north-eastern Syria allows us to conduct awareness raising campaigns on identifying and preparing for disaster risks. TOTOL is promoting the establishment of disaster preparedness and response groups on neighbourhood level that specifically include vulnerable groups. 


Food security and agriculture:

TOTOL distributes food baskets to support (vulnerable) households in maintaining their nutritional status, but also focuses on protecting and rehabilitating livelihoods by efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agricultural food systems. Targeted training and information sessions on farming, breeding and vaccination programs for livestock intend to increase the productivity and ensure self-sufficiency among the targeted Syrian population.


Peacebuilding, social cohesion, and women empowerment:

TOTOL, as a community-based organization, applies a complete do-no-harm approach and instead focuses on increasing dialogue among different groups and promotes social cohesion. All initiatives are fully accessible and promote the inclusion of vulnerable groups and people with disabilities. Furthermore, TOTOL is acting as a mediator between conflicting parties due to its trust within the community. Women are specifically targeted with empowerment activities, educational trainings and awareness raising sessions on protection topics to strengthen their role in society and decrease child protection and GBV cases.  


Livelihoods, capacity building and rehabilitation of infrastructure:

Livelihood activities incorporate vocational trainings and workshops on hard and soft skills, like hand crafts, computer skills, literacy, English language, and communication skills, to increase the ability of participants of earning a living. In addition, TOTOL rehabilitates and restores basic infrastructure and schools, water plants, hospitals and other service facilities critical for local communities. 
